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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Treatment of Cancer

Cancer Prevention Dos and Don'ts


Eat at least four servings per week cruciferous vegetables - which include:

* Sulforaphane, a sulfur compound that stimulates the production of disinfection treatment enzymes in the liver.
* I3C (indole-3-carbinol), a potent antagonist for breast cancer lowers the level of estradiol, the carcinogenic form of estrogen.

Eat at least four servings per week of garlic

* Garlic (and to a lesser extent, onions, shallots, leeks) contain many compounds with proven protection against stomach, colon, prostate and breast cancer.

Eat at least four to six servings per week of soy products and black beans

* Both contain cancer protective isoflavones, generated Stein.

Eat three to four servings per week of wild caught, not farmed, fish, cold water

* Salmon, tuna, mackerel contain the largest number of heart disease and cancer-protective omega-3 fatty acids: EPA and DHA.
* It also contains immune-building proteins.
* Farm, the fish, because the food they are fed, they do not have the same level of protection of the omega-3 fatty acids.

Get enough protein

* The backbone of the immune system is composed of proteins, no proteins of the immune system can not be defended, much less to stand and fight cancer.
* At least one gram per kilogram of body weight.
* For example, a woman of 110 pounds would need at least 50 grams per day. (1 kg = 2.2 pounds. 110 divided by 2.2 = 50).
* Cancer of the Fuentes de Protección the proteinase: Los Peces the Aguas Frias, soy el frijoles y Negro, the orgánico yogur sin grasa con una assets per bióticos Culturas, huevos Organ Icos (ahora disponible con el aumento de los Leveling the DHA, an omega 3 Fat).

Organic Food Products

* Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are poisons that affect the entire burden of the liver and the immune system to control the use and control of cancer resources.
* In addition, many of these toxins are potential carcinogens, especially in combination, as it appears in your body once consumed.

Drinking green tea

* Green tea contains six times more cancer protective polyphenols per cup as black tea.
* Just three cups of green tea per day showed that the risk of many cancers by 40-60 percent.

Get aerobic

* Anerobic cancer and is not even in oxygenated tissues.

Use sunscreen

* If your skin and half a day, wear protective clothing - long sleeves, a hat - on top of sunscreen products.


Smoking or chewing or snuff to the foot

* Secondhand smoke is carcinogenic, too.
Drink more alcohol than the equivalent of a glass of wine (the women), two glasses of wine per day (men)

or alcohol destroys folic acid, an essential nutrient for DNA repair and the immune system.
or as little as two drinks per day showed that the risk of pre-malignant colorectal adenomas by 85 percent, stronger evidence of a link between alcohol and breast cancer.

Eating anything with white sugar

Tumors in the first place requires glucose metabolizers, meaning "sugar investors."
or Americans consume 20 percent of their calories from refined sugar.
or elevated blood sugar levels significantly lower immune resistance to cancer.

Eat anything that hydrogenated (trans) fats

Trans Fats or alter cell membranes, so it permeable to the intruders and less capable of normal office hours.
or Trans fat is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and cancer.

Get too much sun exposure

o Especially during the hours between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM when UVA, UVB rays hit hardest.

Win Your War Against Cancer - Cancer Treatment | Cancer Prevention

You Can Prevent Cancer


Shocking statistics - more money, more research and more death.

Some Scary Statistics

* After $ 39 billion euros for research at the National Institute of Cancer on "war against cancer" in addition to more than 1 trillion dollars in treatment in hospitals throughout country, natives have a 13% increase in the incidence of cancer and a period of seven percent of deaths from cancer.
* Since 1950 the incidence of cancer is 44%, suffered from breast cancer and 60% of colon cancer, prostate cancer up to 100%.
* Breast cancer cases incidence has risen to 20 in 1995 from one of eight woman in 1955.
* Due to breast cancer 45 thousand women die per year.
* Early diagnosis and proper treatment, a "healing" of breast cancer patients lose an average of 19 years of their life.
* 50% of all cancer patients die within 5 years after diagnosis.
* With pancreas, liver, stomach and esophagus cancer, less than ten percent live five years.
* More than two and half millions of Americans are undergoing cancer treatment, and in 1999 more than one and half million Americans are diagnosed with cancer.
* Cancer in children - 28 percent has increased from 1950 to 1987, many experts believe that this is due to the environmental pollutants causing toxic effects.
* Experts estimation in 1998 was that 45% of men and 39% of women in the United States is cancer in her life.

And what you can do

This is unacceptable level of risk - the good thing is that you are not willing to accept.

Think of the popular comic strip story about the 90-pound weak development which metamorphoses into Masters of the Universe after eating the magic elixir? Well, not the history - thousands of medical studies tell the same story: A diet rich in phytonutrients - Smarter supplementation with vitamins, minerals and nutrients tip - for your ability of the immune system to fight cancer superheroes.

Preventing Cancer with Nutrition

First the basics: diet wisely choose a good multivitamin and mineral resources are the foundation of any cancer prevention program.

A good multivitamin and mineral formula:

Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, MD, Director of Medical Oncology at the Strang Cancer Prevention and co-author of Dr. Gaynor's Cancer Prevention Program, suggests that the multiples:

Healthy bodies, to win the "War on Cancer Every Day

The production of cancer cells is normal and inevitable part of life:

* Even normal metabolic processes such as energy production and cell replication in the formation of pre-and cancerous cells.
* In contact with toxins - alcohol, snuff, prescription and OTC medicines, industrial materials, pesticides and chemicals in our food, air and water - and the production of cancer cells increased astronomically.
* Dr. Bruce Ames and his colleagues at the University of California at Berkeley have shown that each of the 60 trillion cells in the human body is bombarded half of 1000 to 10,000 visitors per day on the DNA.
* The result? 400-600 cancer cells to one day.

The development of cancer is not:

* Your immune system is programmed to destroy the cancer cells.
* Anyway, if your computer does not work without power, the immune system can not win the war against cancer, unless you have continuous power with the right nutrients.
* Inappropriate dietary choices are regarded as the main cause of 30 to 70 percent of all cancers.
30-70 percent * This estimate does not include the many forms of cancer from other causes - drugs, snuff, alcohol, ionizing radiation, environmental pollution - that could be prevented by good nutrition.

What is a cancer preventative diet?

Although scientists usually try to isolate one nutrient in the study, nature, nutrients are team players synergistically to neutralize free radicals and carcinogens.

In two well-known studies in which beta-carotene does not reduce, or even slightly increased incidence of lung cancer in heavy smokers, clearly showed - of nutrients can not function alone. To prevent cancer, you need a team, and how many teams have not been discovered, let alone examined, your best bet is phytonutrients-rich foods.

Vegetables and fruit, at least six to eight people per day, with a focus on:

Foods rich in flavonoids

* Flavonoids are chemical compounds derived from plants, the chlorophyll in the photosynthesis of plants and the protection of the radiation from the Sunday
* Of the 20,000 previously flavonoids, the most important are:

Anthocyanin coloration of - Deep Purple grape compounds in black, red beets, red onions, berries
or catechins including epigallocatechin - polyphenols in apples and green tea
ellagic acid - concentrated in blueberries, raspberries
Flavon - in citrus fruits, red grapes, green beans
Flavanols or - even well-researched, quercitin and myricetin in white pot of citrus fruit, kale, spinach, onions, apples and black tea
Flava Ones or - as Hesperidin and Närings in grapefruit, oranges, lemons

* Flavonoids protect us against cancer through several mechanisms:

As powerful antioxidants or
o By reducing DNA damage caused by carcinogenic substances
O bond and elimination of toxic substances
By reducing or allergic reactions - which the attention of the immune surveillance of cancer.
o protection against lipid peroxidation - oxidised lipids (fats) to promote cancer and cardiovascular disease.
or by inhibition of enzymes (eg hyaluronidase, elastase, collagenase) that degrade the connective tissue, the cell wall, strongly opposed the invasion of cancer cells.
or by the increased activity of immune cells called T-lymphocytes

Quercitin, a superstar in flavanols, has also been shown to induce apoptosis (the process by which normal cells defective self-destruction) in cancer cells - a feature that is disgusting that they are "immortal".

Cruciferous vegetables

* Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Bok Choy, cabbage.
* Sulfur-containing compounds, including at least two - indoles
sulforaphane and - significantly lower risk of lung, stomach, cancer of the colon and rectum.
* Current research shows cancer sulforaphane waste from the body by stimulating the production of Phase II of two potent liver detoxification enzymes quinone reductase and glutathione transferase.
* Among the indoles, indole-3-carbinol (I3C) Nature of tamoxifen is more secure.
* I3C blocks for breast cancer:

Occupier, or the sites of estrogen receptors.
Or, in particular the development of estrogen-sensitive cells.
or the conversion of estradiol (the most carcinogenic estrogen) to estriol (a benign form of estrogen).
o The increase in cytochrome P450, a group of phase I liver enzymes that convert estradiol safe routes for disposal.

Foods rich in carotenoids

* Like the flavonoids, carotenoids are part of the plant to protect against free radicals during photosynthesis.
* All carotenoids are similar in chemical structure of vitamin A - the most important vitamin for the immune system.
* Some of the best research of more than 800 carotenoids isolated to date are:

or beta-carotene, alpha carotene, gamma-carotene - the carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, winter squash, sweet potatoes, melons, beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach
Lycopene - in tomatoes, watermelon, red grapefruit
Lutein - in kale and spinach
or zeaxanthin - the peaches and corn

* In conjunction, the carotenoid antioxidant defenses, yet powerful antioxidants such as vitamin A, C and E.
* Carotenoids for the maintenance of cell differentiation. Healthy cells differ at birth, to a certain type of cells with a specific task, such as muscles, skin or bone cells. Cancer cells lose their differentiation, no longer for the body and live only to breed.
* Carotenoids detoxification enzymes to improve the capacity of your garbage carcinogens.
* Lycopene, one of the most powerful antioxidants yet tested, the power to make the pizza, even for protection. In one study, researchers at the National Cancer Institute of Harvard and a trail of more than 47,000 men and found that lycopene, even pizza sauce was protective against prostate cancer.

Cancer Herbs for protection

* An agent in the taste of curry and mustard, turmeric contains a bright yellow pigment called Curcumin that:

Suppressed the production of the protein kinase activity - part of an inflammatory cascade, the promotion of cancer.
drastic reduction in the level of an oncogene (a cancer gene) "C-Jun
Prevents or genetic mutation in the cells of the risk of cancer.

In a study of 16 chronic smokers in India, 1.5 grams Curcumin per day up to 40 percent decrease in urinary excretion of mutagens in relation to snuff, the products of mutated cells.


* A 1997 review of epidemiological studies on the 20 examined the relationship between the consumption of garlic and onions and the risk of cancer - all but one showed a statistically significant protective effect.
* Studies in Italy and China have shown that people who eat more garlic have a 40-percent reduction in gastric cancer.
* When John Pinto, Ph.D., of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York said the cancer cells in the S-allyl mercaptocysteine (part of the aged garlic), along with testosterone, the cells do not grow ( because normally when testosterone). And compounds in garlic helps liver detoxification enzymes to testosterone two to four times faster.
* In a study in 1995 reports cancer, G. Li, Ph.D., showed that the main sulfur compounds in garlic extract inhibits the growth of pre-human cells and a higher level of glutathione S-transferase - a liver detoxification enzyme - in healthy cells.
* With garlic sulfur S-allyl-cysteine was to protect rodents from the development of a common carcinogen crypt different focus - the cells along the walls of the colon with a rapid growth is a precursor of colon cancer.


* Japanese scientists have the 14 compounds in Ginger that are stronger antioxidants than Vitamin E.
* The oils of ginger have been found for the detoxification of the liver enzymes.
* In a study presented at the Proceedings of the 1995 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cancer Researchers, ginger extract resulted in the formation of tumors of the skin to reduce a group of mice, the researchers are to promote skin cancer.

Panax ginseng

* T.K. Yun, Ph.D. Seoul, Korea, 4634 Checking people for five years in the areas where ginseng. Ginseng consumers was 50 percent less risk of cancer.
* In 1995, Yun, half study of 1987 people. This was a case-control study in which a person without cancer were compared with patients with cancer. Who would ginseng for one year had a 36 percent lower incidence of cancer than non-users. Who would ginseng for five years or more were 69 percent less.

Green Tea

* All teas contain polyphenols with antioxidant effects and cancer medicines.

or green tea contains six times more polyphenols per cup of black tea.
or two cups of green tea contains as much vitamin C as a glass of orange juice.
o The major polyphenols in green tea, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is an antioxidant 200 times stronger than vitamin E and 500 times stronger than vitamin C.

* Studies in China and Japan have shown that green tea drinkers cut the risk of oesophageal cancer by 60 percent of women and 57 percent for men, and their risk of lung cancer by 45 per cent - cent.
* In rodent studies, green tea inhibits the development of skin tumors caused by UVB light and prevents nitrosamine-induced tumors of the stomach and lungs. (Nitrosamines are the largest group of carcinogenic chemicals in our food and good meat or smoked fish or smoke and snuff.)
* En el Centro del cancer en JAPON the Saitama, un Estudio Encontro pacient que los que con más bebieron cancer 10 tazas the verde por Día murieron 4-5 años (hombres) A 6-5 años (mujeres) que los más tarde Patients who drank under three cups per day.
* How does green tea cancer?

Green tea or blocks an enzyme called urokinase, which cancer cells to other cells and form metastases.
or EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) inhibits urokinase-effective than any other substance yet discovered.

* NOTE: not with cow's milk to green tea.

o Studies show that milk reduces the antioxidant activity of tea catechins.
Epidemiological studies find little or no difference between coffee and tea drinkers in countries where milk is mostly in tea.


* Romero, increases the capacity of the liver detoxify carcinogens.

o In 1993 Studies at the University of Illinois, rosemary rats, the levels of two important liver detoxification enzymes, glutathione S-transferase (six times above normal) and quinone reductase groups (two to four times higher than normal).

* Rosemary compounds showed the carcinogenic chemicals from binding to DNA.

o In a study using human bronchial cancer cells benzoprene rosemary, one of the major carcinogens in cigarette smoke, regulate cancer growth. In animal studies, rosemary extract reduces skin tumors from 54 to 64 percent, 45 percent of the tumors of the breast, colon cancer and 85 percent.

Cancer protection oils

* Olive oil is rich in squalene, a mixture of hydrocarbons that inhibits an enzyme called HMGCoA reductase.
* HMGCoA reductase RAS oncogene activated a gene that normally promotes the delayed initiation and progression of cancer.


* Flax seed is the source of alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acids protectors against cancer, particularly breast cancer.
* Linseed also contains fiber composite indicated that the fight against cancer lignans of estrogen on breast tissue in two ways:

Lignans or inhibits the enzyme aromatase, which in other hormone estrogen.
Lignans in the gut or amended by two compounds, enterolactone and enterodiol, which bind to estrogen receptors, which blocks estrogen.

Cancer protective foods rich in proteins
Deep and cold water fish

* Salmon, tuna, sardines, hake, cod, halibut and mackerel.
* Two types of omega-3 fatty acids in cold-water fish - DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) oil and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

o The well-documented cancer protective effects of DHA and EPA may be due to its anti-inflammatory actions.
or Bruce Ames, Ph.D., a respected cancer researcher at the University of California at Berkeley, theorized that chronic inflammation (allergies, asthma, arthritis, colitis, psoriasis, etc.) may be cancer by increasing the radicals in DNA damage-free.

* A large European study compared mortality data for breast and colon cancer in 24 countries. Cancer in men and women with higher consumption of animal fats and the decrease of fish and oil consumption has increased.
* In Finland, women with breast cancer and benign diseases of the breast had significantly lower levels of EPA and DHA in their breast tissue.
* Case-control studies on the incidence of prostate cancer in Poland and England have found significant effects of protection - to 50-percent reduction of risk - for men who ate fish at least once per week.
* Note: Wild food, not farmed fish. EPA and DHA levels Los Altos son mucho más, además the acidosis todos los esenciales Grasos se encuentran en una mejor proporción en los Peces silvestre.


* Genistein, a soy isoflavones has been shown that block angiogenesis - the process by which new blood vessels in the body. With angiogenesis of malignant cells with the nutrients they need to grow and expand.
* Cancer cells produce stress proteins, a chemical shield against the immune attack. Genistein is the production of these stress proteins.
* Genistein prevents the activation of tyrosine kinase, an enzyme that cancer cells to apoptosis (normal programmed cell death).
* Soy isoflavones are phytoestrogens, plant estrogens only 1/1000th as powerful as the human estrogen. When the estrogenic soy isoflavones fill estrogen receptor sites to block estrogen and estrogen levels drop - a protective effect against breast cancer because estrogen promotes cell growth.
* Too much estrogen also men with an increased risk of prostate cancer. Men (and women) of testosterone produce estrogen by the enzyme aromatase. Genistein inhibits aromatase
* The best sources of soy genistein and black beans.

Preventive Cancer peak increases
Lipoic acid

* An antioxidant, Lipoic acid:

Or water soluble (like vitamin C) and fat-soluble (eg vitamin E) to protect and access to almost all areas of the body.
Regeneration or other antioxidants, including the E and C were provided by the free radicals.

* Lipoic acid in aerobic metabolism.

or Lipoic acid increases the amount of oxygen reaching cells.
Increases in livestock or the amount of oxygen to the heart 72 percent of the liver and 128 percent.
Cancer is anerobic or, Lipoic acid as a bright beam of light to a vampire.

* Prevents glycation (also glycosalyation) - a process which sugar molecules bind to proteins important (cell membranes, nerve tissue), and "yes" that they, like the cowhide leather twist hard.

Age spots or external signs of internal glycation.

* You can prevent NF-kappa B (a chemical mediator of inflammation) on the activation of oncogenes (genes that cause cancer) as a carcinogen.

o Studies show that Lipoic acid, the cytosol of the cells and the occurrence of the SI-kappa B (the inactive form of NF kappa B) of NF-kappa-B radiation, free radicals, or even sunlight.

Ellagic acid

* A polyphenols in strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, grapes, nuts and black currants, supplemented, ellagic acid with other polyphenols, such as OPC (oligomeric Proanthocyanidins).
* It is shown that inhibition of chemically induced cancers in the lungs, liver, esophagus and skin of rodents.

Many potential carcinogens or in two steps in the liver, the so-called phase I and phase II detoxification. Phase I enzymes activate these toxins, making them attractive for the phase II enzymes, reduce, but also carcinogenic.
ellagic acid inhibits certain enzymes that activate carcinogens.
o In addition, ellagic acid stimulates other enzymes (eg glutathione), the inactivation and elimination of carcinogens.


* It is in high concentrations in palm oil, and very similar to that of tocopherols (vitamin E), tocotrienols have shown:

Large tumor or inhibition of vitamin E.
or similar antioxidant effect of vitamin E.
o The ability to support the growth of breast cancer cells - both estrogen and estrogen-sensitive cancer cells unresponsive.
Mayor of the ability to induce apoptosis (normal programmed cell death) in human breast cancer cells, that all but a fraction of vitamin E (delta-tocopherol).


* An extract of Pine Bark proanthocyanadins called flavonoids.
* The largest water-soluble antioxidants yet discovered,
* Pycnogenol is 20 times stronger than vitamin C and 50 times stronger than vitamin E as a quest to free radicals.
* Many positive effects, including:

o The reduction of cholesterol.
Upgrading or varicose veins.
o The maintenance of collagen (structural protein binds to cells and tissues - the damaged, the skin sags and wrinkles).
or inhibiting the formation of benzoprene, one of the worst smoke carcinogens in snuff.

Reserva troll

* Phenol is concentrated in red wine and grapes, especially in cold regions, for example, French Cabernet.
* Note: Because alcohol has been shown that the risk of breast cancer, women want to take a capsule with 1000 mcg a glass of grape juice.
* Reserva control inhibits cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzyme that promotes inflammation and ultimately cancer.
* A 1997 study at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, in mice with tumors of the skin, resveratrol reduces the number of tumors by 98% compared with untreated mice. In the group of control mice reserve, 88 percent or even the development of tumors.
* In addition to measures to combat cancer, reserve control blocks oxidation of LDL cholesterol (the type of cholesterol is a major cause of atherosclerosis).

CLA, conjugated linoleic

* A fat, especially in the dairy and beef, conjugated linoleic acid has been shown that inhibition of a variety of human cancer cell lines, including lung, colon, breast, prostate, melanoma and leukemia.
* When the mice grafted with human prostate cancer cells including CLA, to 33 percent of the mice fed CLA, the primary tumor deceased to a necrotic eschar after five weeks. After six weeks, the majority of tumors in mice CLA began to die. Only 10 percent of the CLA mice had lung metastases.
* In another study, mice given CLA for two weeks and then inoculated with human breast cancer cells. Nine weeks after vaccination, the local dietary CLA inhibits tumor growth by 73 percent, and preventing the spread of breast cancer cells in the lungs, peripheral blood and bone marrow.

Cancer Treatments

Four major types of cancer treatments available today are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and biological therapy. New treatments such as hormone therapy with tamoxifen, and bone marrow transplantation options will be added to these standard procedures on a regular basis.

This broad availability of cancer research and treatment possibilities for confusion not only among the lay community, but also between physicians and payers. Every day, new options appear on the horizon, that show promises, but only a few become protocols of treatment. As the literature on cancer research and treatment dissolved, it becomes increasingly difficult for all but a specialist in oncology to continue to sanction these treatments, and that is still experimental.

Access to Board-Certified Oncologists and Hematologists in the independent evaluation process can help ensure that patients maximize payer health care endorsed by their contracts. AllMed Healthcare Management jury in oncology and hematology specialists aware of the latest ways to treat cancer, and can help the customer, be to this development now and in the future.

Cancer Prevention

There are nine potentially changeable risk factors due to which one in three of the seven million cancer deaths are caused worldwide. Overweight causes cancer, because overweight causes your fat cells to release inflammation causing chemicals which in turn can cause cancer. Inflammation which is one of the causes of cancer is due to lack of physical fitness, physically fit body can have control over the fat cells which release inflammation causing chemicals.

If your diet does not contain fruits and vegetables then you are deprived of the antioxidants that prevent cancer. Researchers have identified that Phytochemicals a kind of substance which is abundantly available in green plants is beneficial to humans in prevention of many types of cancer. Out of the thousands of phytochemicals available in the plants around us, till date only few such as capsaicin in peppers, lycopene in tomatoes, sulforophe in the cabbage family, allicin in onions and garlic, and genistein in soybeans are identified as beneficial in prevention of cancer.

The below are few major causes for the development of Cancer

  • Nicotine causes blood vessels to grow and develop cancer cells, smoking is one such factor which exposes you to nicotine.
  • If alcohol is consumed excessively then your body cells get dehydrated and a2. re exposed to the causes of cancer.
  • Your will be more exposed to cancer causing viruses if you have unprotected sex.
  • Carcinogens in the air which are formed because of high air pollution, smoke released from solid fuels expose you to the agents that cause cancer.
  • Usage of contaminated injections will expose you to cancer causing viruses.
  • If your body is exposed excessive sun exposure, you will have high risk of skin cancer.

Cancer Preventive Measure, follow them and you will have less scope of getting exposed to cancer

1. Maintaining body fitness, reducing body fat and overweight.
2. Your Diet must contain wide varieties of fruits and vegetables.
3. Alcohol and Smoking must be avoided.
4. Safe sex must be practiced.
5. Air pollution must be avoided, to the extent possible.
6. Unless it is required, never go for injections.
7. Protect your skin from sunburns

Cancer Treatment

Since there is no evidence, no treatment for most types of cancer (if detected at an early stage), the best thing you can do is prevention. In this sense, a warning could be an alternative method of treating cancer. So what does this alternative method of treating cancer suggest.

The physical fitness as an alternative for the treatment of cancer (prevention) method

Obesity is alleged that the risk of cancer. So, enough exercise or physical activity can be considered as an alternative for the treatment of cancer (prevention) methodology. Only some time out of your schedule for daily work. Some believe that this event is synonymous to the gym. This is not the case. These alternative cancer treatment (prevention) method does not ask you to go to the gym. You can only participate in simple activities like tennis or brisk walking, etc.

Diet is an effective alternative for the treatment of cancer (prevention) method

Your diet should include all the major nutrients in the correct proportions. This will not only as an alternative for the treatment of cancer (prevention) method, but also help you make healthy as such (ie from other diseases / problems). As an alternative for the treatment of cancer (prevention) method, diet control can reduce the fat in your food, and even beans and soy products in your diet. In addition, they say that you should stop smoking and alcohol to reduce to a minimum.

Sun protection as an alternative for the treatment of cancer (prevention) technology

It is known that ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer. Thus, to avoid direct sunlight can be used as an alternative for the treatment of cancer (prevention) methodology. The use of sun tanning lotions that the SPV (Sun Protection Factor) of at least 15 is recommended under this alternative for the treatment of cancer (prevention) technology.

Pollution prevention - an alternative for the treatment of cancer (prevention) technology

Some pollutants can cause cancer. So, you have your protection from chemicals or smoke (especially if you live near an industrial zone). Prevention of environmental pollution, of course, the alternative for the treatment of cancer (prevention) technology.

Select for early detection of cancer

Everyone knows cancer. However, early detection of cancer is really an alternative for the treatment of cancer (prevention) technology. Most cancer screening tests relatively easy to implement. Even self-selection is possible that some forms of cancer. So, go to detect cancer can serve as an alternative for the treatment of cancer (prevention) technology and thus prevent danger to life, cancer.