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Monday, May 25, 2009

Proper Diet - Helps Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Proper Diet - Helps Reduce the Risk of Cancer

As the researchers continue the war against cancer, many have begun to focus on what are the most promising ammunition to date: the diet.

"The easiest, most cost-effective to reduce the risk of cancer just by eating a healthy diet," says Rachael Stolzenberg-Solomon, PhD, MPH, RD, a researcher at the National Cancer Institute.

When it comes to a diet rich in substance against cancer, most experts agree that a mainly vegetable diet. "If two-thirds of plant food on your plate, it is sufficient to prevent an excessive amount of foods high in saturated fatty acids," says Karen Collins, RD, nutrition adviser at the American Institute for Cancer Research.

Simple advice, leading to a drastic change in the diet of many people.

"People think it's like a diet and try to conquer these things never last," says Collins WebMDS. "Are you for life. If it takes a while, but every month or so you enjoy [one more vegetable], then that is great," Collins.

You can see some of the following as promising agents to combat cancer.

Foods rich in folic acid
Vitamin B complex may be many "good for you" food. In addition to the producers of cereals, breads and pastries tend to their products with folic acid.

How does it work?

"The idea is that if someone is likely to be lower folate mutations in the DNA," said Stolzenberg-Solomon. Conversely, adequate levels of folic acid protects against such mutations.

The fight against cancer Skills

In a large study, researchers evaluated the effects of folic acid more than 27,000 male smokers from 50 to 69 years. Men who consumed at least the recommended daily intake of folate - 400 micrograms - half their risk of pancreatic cancer.

How to get there?

Starting with breakfast, a glass of orange juice is folic acid, and most cereals (check the box to see how much). For lunch, try a rich spinach salad with a novel or leaves. Top with dried beans or peas for an extra boost. Snack on a handful of peanuts or an orange. At dinner, choose asparagus or Brussels sprouts as a vegetable.

Vitamin D
The fat-soluble vitamin helps calcium, strong bones and teeth can also protect against cancer.

How does it work?

The researchers suggest that vitamin D slows the growth of cancer cells.

The fight against cancer Skills:

A report on the recent meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (Aacr) showed a correlation between increased intake of vitamin D and a lower risk of breast cancer. Closed Vitamin D is the risk of developing breast cancer increased by 50%.

Vitamin D is also the survival of patients with lung cancer, according to a study by Harvard in 2005. Patients receiving surgery for lung cancer in the summer, when vitamin D from sunlight more and a higher intake of vitamin D, 56% survive five years. Patients with low vitamin D intake and winter operations, only 23% survival.

How to get there?

In the light of these recent findings, many researchers, the current RDA of 400 international units (IU) is too low. William G. Nelson, MD, PhD, of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, suggests that the recommendations of the RDA of 1000 IU vitamin D for men and women. "The higher numbers are better, but for now this amount may be safe and have a protective effect," says WebMDS.

Although vitamin D is often associated with milk, high concentrations are also found in these seafood choices: cod, shrimp, salmon, and Chinook. Eggs are a good source. And do not forget on Sunday in just 10 minutes, can absorb up to 5,000 IU vitamin D, 40%, when the body is exposed to the sun without sunscreen.

If you like tea, you'll be glad to know that there are promising against some forms of cancer.

How does it work?

How many plant foods, tea contains flavonoids, known for its antioxidant effect. One in particular flavonoids, kaempferol, has shown protective effect against cancer.

The fight against cancer Skills:

A large study evaluating kaempferol intake of more than 66,000 women found that those who consumed most of the lower risk of ovarian cancer. Researcher Margaret Gates, PhD student at the Harvard School of Public Health, shows that between 10 mg and 12 mg per day kaempferol - The sum of four cups of tea - offers protection against ovarian cancer.

One study showed a link between the consumption of flavonoids and a reduced risk of breast cancer. The study examined the habits of almost 3000 people, showed that women after menopause, most flavonoids were 46% less breast cancer than those who have less. However, the consumption of flavonoids had no effect on the risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women.

How to get there?

Hot tea can be warming in the winter, iced tea offers cool refreshment in summer. So, enjoy your tea throughout the year to promote cancer prevention.

Cruciferous vegetables
Can not be your favorite as a child, but the cruciferous vegetables - members of the cabbage family including cabbage, turnips, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts - can help prevent cancer.

In laboratory experiments, the substances used in the chew, or cut or cruciferous vegetables produced effects of cancer death.

The fight against cancer Skills

Recent studies on cruciferous vegetables show promising results for cancer of the prostate and colon. In mice grafted with human prostate tumors and treatment with any of these substances that kill the cancer, the tumors began to shrink the size of the half after 31 days. In another experiment, mice, a model of hereditary colon polyps in a high risk of colon cancer were fed antioxidant called sulforaphane, also released when chewing cruciferous vegetables. The mice developed about half of the polyps as expected.

How to Get Them

Whole swallowing is not enough. The protective effect of cruciferous vegetables seems to occur when they are cut or chewed. They are a great commotion in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, as the court, disposed of or raw in salads. Experimenting with flavors such as lemon and garlic. "Fruit is a great taste of the central kitchen," says Collins.

Curcumin irrigation of their favorite dishes, you can much more than a little fun with your food - his years of his life.

How does it work?

Experts in the effect of credit on the ability of Curcumin in the fight against cancer. "Most diseases are caused by chronic inflammation, which will continue for a long time," says Bharat B. Aggarwal, PhD, a biochemist at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Recent studies have shown that Curcumin, the cell signaling pathways, transformation, invasion and spread of cancer cells.

The fight against cancer Skills

Protective effect of Curcumin, bladder and gastro-intestinal cancer. Some say that it does not end with this form of cancer. "Of all cancers, cancer and others that have not yet found, is not affected by Curcumin. The expectation is, as the mediator of inflammation in most forms of cancer," says Aggarwal WebMDS.

How to get there?

Curcumin many flavors of the popular dishes from India, which is the main ingredient in curry powder. Increases for rice, chicken, vegetables and lentils. Some cooks sprinkle the bright yellow powder in recipes for a burst of color.

Spice of the popular, long time to nausea, and soon in the fight against cancer, too.

How does it work?

Working directly on cancer cells, researchers found ginger in May killing cancer cells in two respects. In apoptosis, the cancer cells essentially commit suicide without surrounding cells. In autophagy, cells in the digestive system itself, "says J. Rebecca Liu, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, studying the effects of ginger, ovarian cancer cells. While these preliminary results show promising activity against ginger cancer must be demonstrated in animal and human studies.

The fight against cancer Skills

Armed with ginger, current research is focused on the fatal gynecological cancers: ovarian cancer. "Most women [with ovarian cancer] develop chemotherapy resistance resources," said Liu WebMDS. From ginger to destroy cancer cells in more ways than one, the researchers hope that patients do not develop resistance against them.

Because the effects of ginger on cancer is not directly in humans, researchers can not yet offer specific dietary recommendations. "We do not know how it is metabolized," said Liu. But people who do not have ginger to your diet. "We know that the relatively non-toxic," said Liu WebMDS.

How to get there?

Then, the obvious choice, like drinking beer and eating ginger biscuits ginger. A variety of soups, sumptuous marinades, and zesty sauces call for ginger.


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  2. Great facts on foods that help fight cancer.They are simple and should be added to everyone's diet to prevent cancer which is really a killer disease of the present times.
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  3. I think that proper diet and nutrition is key. Here is some great info on raw food cancer treatment which buttresses the points made in your post. Keep up the great work and a Happy and Healthy New Year!!!
